Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Books and DVDs added to the Hessel Library, December 16, 2015.

Call Number
005.5 O322w 2016
Office 2016 for dummies
Wang, Wally
005.54 E9617w 2016
Excel 2016 bible
Walkenbach, John
152.4 D2521
The emotional life of your brain : how its unique patterns affect the way you think, feel, and live--and how you can change them
Davidson, Richard J.
155.2 B6583
The perfection deception : why striving to be perfect is sabotaging your relationships, making you sick, and holding your happiness hostage
Bluestein, Jane.
155.9 A4662
Drunk tank pink : and other unexpected forces that shape how we think, feel, and behave
Alter, Adam L.
158 N383
Compelling people : the hidden qualities that make us influential
Neffinger, John
158.2 P6552
To sell is human : the surprising truth about moving others
Pink, Daniel H.
270.83 H1981
One race, one blood : a biblical answer to racism
Ham, Ken.
302.231 T9398
Reclaiming conversation : the power of talk in a digital age
Turkle, Sherry
305.8008 V2179
The first R : how children learn race and racism
Van Ausdale, Debra
305.800973 W812
Colorblind : the rise of post-racial politics and the retreat from racial equity
Wise, Tim J.
306.45 P7715
The botany of desire : a plant's-eye view of the world
Pollan, Michael.
323.34097 B176
Defying convention : US resistance to the U.N. treaty on women's rights
Baldez, Lisa.
363.61 H4979
Wine to water : how one man saved himself while trying to save the world
Hendley, Doc.
365.450 H2591
Escape from camp 14 : one man's remarkable odyssey from North Korea to freedom in the West
Harden, Blaine.
371.82996 L377
Being bad : my baby brother and the school-to-prison pipeline
Laura, Crystal T.
381.32 B8637
Watchdogs and whistleblowers : a reference guide to consumer activism
Brobeck, Stephen.
523.1 B5134
The stardust revolution : the new story of our origin in the stars
Berkowitz, Jacob.
612.82 F493
Delusions of gender : how our minds, society, and neurosexism create difference
Fine, Cordelia.
616.8582 S6131
Cutting and self-harm
Simpson, Chris
628.4458 H922
Garbology : our dirty love affair with trash
Humes, Edward
631.5 A432
The good food revolution : growing healthy food, people, and communities
Allen, Will
631.57 C283
Lentil underground : renegade farmers and the future of food in America
Carlisle, Liz.
793.34 D223
Ballroom world dance book
Darnel, Allen G.
977.434 L475
Detroit : an American autopsy
LeDuff, Charlie.
Life after death
Echols, Damien.
BRON (paperback)
Just call me superhero
Bronsky, Alina
DVD 170 E847
Ethos : a time for change
McGrain, Pete.
DVD 791.4372 A951
Avengers, Age of Ultron
Whedon, Joss
DVD 791.4372 H3238
Harry Potter : complete 8-film collection
Columbus, Chris.
DVD 791.4372 H686
Hocus pocus
Ortega, Kenny
DVD 791.4372 I231
If I stay
Cross, Shauna
DVD 791.4372 J957
Jurassic World
Trevorrow, Colin
DVD 791.4372 M243
Malcolm X
Worth, Marvin.
DVD 791.4372 M2662
Man on fire
Scott, Tony
DVD 791.4372 M4761
The maze runner
Ball, Wes
DVD 791.4372 N7392
No escape
Dowdle, John Erick
DVD 791.4372 P694
Columbus, Chris
DVD 791.4372 R8884
The Royal Tenenbaums
Anderson, Wes
DVD 791.4372 S1282
Safe house
Espinosa, Daniel
DVD 791.4372 S197
San Andreas
Peyton, Brad
DVD 791.4372 T319
Terminator genisys
Taylor, Alan
DVD 791.4372 U59
Scott, Tony
MOYE (paperback)
The girl you left behind
Moyes, Jojo

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