Tuesday, May 31, 2022


New eBooks - May 2022

eBook Collection (EBSCO)

Ads, fads, and consumer culture: Advertising’s impact on American character and society/Berger

After cooling: On freon, global warming, and the terrible cost of comfort/Wilson

Age of fire is over: A new approach to the energy transition/Petit

All the news that’s fit to click: How metrics are transforming the work of journalists/Petre

American made: What happens to people when work disappears/Stockman

Asian American connective action in the age of social media: Civic engagement contested issues, and emerging identities/Lai

Asian American spies: How Asian Americans helped win the Allied victory/Hayashi

Black hands, white house: slave labor and the making of America/Harrison


Broken scales: Race and the crisis of justice in a divided America/Diaz

Contagion next time/Galea

Contemporary peacemaking: Peace processes, peacebuilding and conflict/MacGinty

Craft in the real world: Rethinking fiction writing and workshopping/Salesses

Crime without a name ethnocide and the erasure of culture in America/Pitner

CRISPR people: The science and ethics of editing humans/Greely

Crossing: How we label and react to people on the move/Hamlin

Cuba: An American history/Ferrer

Cybersecurity playbook for modern enterprises/Wittkop

Death & lighthouses on the great lakes: A history of murder & misfortune/Stampfler

Earth detox: How and why we must clean up our planet/Cribb

Economics of sustainable food: Smart policies for health and the planet/Batini

Electrify: An optimist’s playbook for our clean energy future/Griffith

Fan studies primer: Method, research, ethics/Williams

Farm fresh broadband: The politics of rural connectivity/Ali

Forever prisoners: How the United States made the world’s largest immigrant detention system/Young

Free the press: The death of American journalism and how to revive it/Karem

From anger to action: Inside the global movements for social justice, peace, and a sustainable planet/Jackson

Frontlines of peace: An insider’s guide to changing the world/Autesserr

Future of the office: Work from home, remote work, and the hard choices we all face/Cappelli

Gentrification of the internet: How to reclaim our digital freedom/Lingel

Halfway home: Race, punishment, and the afterlife of mass incarceration/Miller

Hell of a book: Or the altogether factual, wholly bona fide story of a big dreams, hard luck, American-made mad kid/Mott

Hidden history of big brother in America: How the death of privacy and the rise of surveillance threaten us and our democracy/Hartmann

Immigration matters: Movements, visions, and strategies for a progressive future/Milkman

Instant anger management: Quick and simple CBT strategies to defuse anger on the spot/ Karmin

It’s a setup: Fathering from the social and economic margins/Black

Justice rising: Robert Kennedy’s America in black and white/Sullivan

Kamala’s way: An American life/Morain

King of the blues: The rise and reign of B.B. King/de Vise

Lean fall stand/McGregor

Lincoln Highway/Towles

Living with Robots: What every anxious human needs to know/Aylett

Madhouse at the end of the earth: The Belgica’s journey into the dark Antarctic night/Sancton

Making monsters: The uncanny power of dehumanization/Smith

Mammalian paleoecology: Using the past to study the present/Smith

Marketing professionals: A practical career guide/Endsley

Mastering Microsoft Teams: End user guide to practical usage, collaboration, and governance/Hubbard

Migration and the making of global Christianity/Hanciles

My heart is a chainsaw/Jones

New history of modern computing/Haigh

One fair wage: ending subminimum pay in America/Jayaraman

Other dark matter: The science and business of turning waste into wealth and health/Zeldovich

Others of my kind: Transatlantic transgender histories/Bakker

Pack the court!: A defense of Supreme Court expansion/Feldman

Pastels and pedophiles: inside the mind of QAnon/Bloom

Police visibility: Privacy, surveillance, and the false promise of body-worn cameras/Newell

Policing welfare: Punitive adversarialism in public assistance/Headworth

Pregnant girl: A story of teen motherhood, college, and creating a better future for young families/Lewis

Queer bible: Essays/Guinness

Red comet: The short life and blazing art of Sylvia Plath/Clark

Sixteen teachers teaching: Two-year college perspectives/Sulliven

Solitary: Unbroken by four decades in solitary confinement/Woodfox


States of emergency: Keeping the global population in check/Van der Pijl

Tainted tap: Flint’s journey from crisis to recovery/Davis

Teaching black history to white people/Moore

They knew: the federal government’s fifty-year role in causing the climate crisis/Speth

Thicker than water: the quest for solutions to the plastic crisis/Cirino

Time is a mother/Vuong

Tolls of uncertainty: how privilege and the guilt gap shape unemployment in America/Damaske

Under a white sky: the nature of the future/Kolbert

Understanding academic freedom/Reichman

Unequal cities: structural racism and the death gap in America’s largest cities/Benjamins

Vaccine hesitancy: public trust, expertise, and the war on science/Goldenberg

Violence project: how to stop a mass shouting epidemic/Peterson

War no more: an introduction to nonviolent struggles for justice/Duffey

When bad thinking happens to good people: how philosophy can save us from ourselves/Nadler

Whistleblower: my journey to Silicon Valley and fight for justice at Uber/Fowler

White evangelical racism: the politics of morality in America/Butler

White freedom: the racial history of an idea/Stovall

Why food matters/Freedman

Why privacy matters/Richards

Why religion is good for American democracy/Wuthnow

Women and other monsters: building a new mythology/Zimmerman

You’re paid what you’re worth: And other myths/Rosefeld

1619 Project: a new origin story/Hannah-Jones

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